Monday, July 6, 2009

Delainy and Michael's cousins

We have recently been able to spend some time with family in Pennsylvania. It was particularly fun to see Delainy and Michael spend time with their cousins (2nd cousins I think).

Oh how we all wish they were closer! We miss all of you! Our house is alway open to a visit!

Blogger Inspiration

So...lots of time has past...and no entries. It isn't that there is nothing to write about...I am thinking that maybe there is so much to write about that I am having trouble finding the time and choosing what to wirte. I will have to go back and make some past entries to catch up.

I definitely am not a natural blogger :( I wish that I was! I will admit (at the risk of sounding like a crazy stalker friend) that I pretty much read EVERY blog from certain people. Here is the stalker part of it...they don't really know it...I NEVER post comments and actually both of the blogs I read religiously are written by people who I don't have a significant relationship is a one sided relationship...I read their blogs therefore knowing so much more about them than they know about me :) The point is...they are natural bloggers! Can you make a living blogging? If so, someone should check out the blogs I follow...I have no idea how to do that, but I am sure it is easy. I think that I will finally comment on their blogs and let them know that they are my inspiration to blog!

I am just now realizing that I write like I think...which is probably going to be a problem for anyone reading this...becasue my thoughts are really all over the place...apologies to all readers. Speaking of readers, I have NO idea how to let people know about my blog. I am not even really sure who this blog is for...maybe just for me...maybe to update family...maybe for a record of events kinda like a be continued.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Brooke and TJ

So, my husband's cousin, Brooke...I am not sure if she has a blog, but I suppose that she would be one of those natural bloggers :)...anyway, she got married on May 31st, and we were there to witness the fairlytale.

Delainy had the privlege of being one of two flower girls in the wedding. Ever since she found out that she would be in the wedding, she was talking about Cinderella (Brooke) and Prince Cahrming (TJ, of course) and how they were going to live happily ever after and have a great ball and she would wear a beautiful dress and dance the night away and they would kiss get the picture.

The wedding was beautiful! Their story is sweet! Dealiny is still talking about it, and they will live happily ever after!

Special thanks to Kory's terrific cousins Mandy and Kate for being so good to Delainy!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Warning: This one will be serious...

Family is something that I am extremely thankful for! The last few months has really put life and family into perspective for me. My Papa died on Friday, and I am getting ready to go to Flagstaff to see family I haven't seen in years; I just wish that my Papa would be there with all of us. He would have loved being with all of us together. I think the last time that happened was for his surprise 75th birthday...he was 82 when he died.

My Papa was such a loving man. I have such fond memories of him from very early in life...all the way to the last time I saw him, just a few months ago. He was proudly watching my Uncle Tom (his oldest son) be inducted into Brophy's Hall of Fame for basketball. He was so proud of his kids and grandkids.

This is just a reminder that life here on earth is short. Don't keep putting off anything in hopes that you will have time tomorrow.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

To Blog Or Not To Blog

I have been debating starting a blog. Obviously, there is not a debate anymore. If you chose to follow me and read my ramblings, there are a few things you should know:

My blogging isn't going to be fully serious...and it isn't going to be fully goofy. Those of you who know me know that I am a goofball...but I can be serious. I have some friends who do this blogging thing really well. I mean I could sit and read their blogs all day long, and I am in awe at how they are able to be witty and funny and serious and cute all at the same time. I will not even try to pretend to match the skill of my blogger friends who have unknowingly inspired me to blog. Basically, what I am saying is...if you are bored with my blog...don't read it. I won't be offended :) You can always visit my friend's blogs...they are great!